Scientific committee
- Petra Helmholz - Curtin University, Australia
- Michael Schmitt - University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
- Ludwig Hoegner - Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Gunho Sohn - York University, Canada
- Bruno Vallet - LaSTIG, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France
- Andrea Fusiello - University of Udine, Italy
- Fabio Remondino - 3DOM, FBK, Italy
- Eleonora Maset - University of Udine, Italy
- Franz Rottensteiner - Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
- Francesco Nex - University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Jan Dirk Wegner - University of Zürich, Switzerland
- Norbert Haala - University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Camillo Ressl - Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Bisheng Yang - Wuhan University, China
- Uwe Sörgel - University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Pablo Angelo - DLR, Germany
- Dong Zhen - Wuhan University, China
- Sajid Ghuffar - Institute of Space Technology, Pakistan
- Yingdong Pi - Wuhan University, China